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I've been taken captive.
Must keep entries short.
Send help.



I stand on the shores of the land they call "YouTube." 
Below and beyond this vast sea, millions of specimens swim just beneath the surface.
I do not dare go in there. They are sacred waters...
And I have forgotten my account information.
Yet, plenty of debris has washed up on the sandy shore.
Archaic fossils and creatures - some still alive, struggling to retain relevancy. 
I took it upon myself to return as many as I could to civilization.

However, I was interrupted by ninjas.



These are some gems I managed to bring back from my adventures to the internet. 
Marvelous things.
Upon unearthing them - from the internet - I immediately erupted into a fit of giggles.

And of course...
I have traveled the vast and daunting lands of the internet for many years.
I have come across a number of treasures and mysteries. And many dangers. 
Among those memorable findings, I find myself unable to remember what I have been finding.
I suspect it may be the amnesia. 

To combat the ongoing threat of forgetfulness, I have developed a device to record my thoughts with.
I call it... a XK5000 Audio Recorder, which is really just a tape-recorder that I wrote XK5000 on with a sharpie.
It is a mystical creation.
Now, I simply record a memory before I forget it and it is stored in the archive of my invention.
Trouble is, I keep managing to forget I created it in the first place. I think I do recall leaving myself a memo to remember that I have been leaving memos... but I have since lost the device completely, so it is of no matter.

In a second attempt to quell the inconvenient and untimely forgetf